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Astarte: A Greek Fertility Goddess. Athena: A Greek Warrior Goddess and Protectress. Bast: An Egyptian Goddess of Cats, Love, Dance, Laughter and Protection (sister to Sekhmet). Brigid: A Celtic Warrior Goddess and Protectress. Ceres: A Roman Godess of the Harvest. Cerridwen: A Welsh Goddess of the Moon and the Harvest. Dryads: A Greek feminine spirit of the trees. Flora: A Roman Goddess of Spring and Birth. Hathor: An Egyptian Goddess of Joy. Hecate: A Greek Goddess of the Moon and Underworld. Inanna: A Sumerian Goddess in representation of the Mother. Isis: An Egyptian Goddess of All (the Great Goddess in Egyptian myth.). Kali: A Hindu Goddess of Creation and Destruction (She fights for those who are in the right and not in the wrong). Maat: An Egyptian Goddess of Justice. Morgan: A Celtic Goddess of Water and Magick.Nephtys: An Egyptian Goddess of Surprises, Sisters, Midwives (sister to Isis).Sekhmet: An Egyptian Goddess of the destructive side of the Sun, Disease and the other side of humanity (Powerful, yet comforting at times).